Educational Sound Massage (ESM)
A part of your Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner Qualification
To become a fully qualified Peter Hess® Sound Massage (PHSM) Practitioner, it is a requirement for you to experience 3 Sound Massages given by certified Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioners.
These Educational Sound Massages (ESM) have to be completed and submitted to your teacher two weeks before the date of your Final Supervision Course.
The qualified training and the professional application of the PHSM are very important to Peter Hess as the founder of our method.
In the course of the quality assurance of the PHSM method but also in the clear differentiation from other sound providers, it is of great importance that the ESM is given as part of the overall training by an experienced PHSM Practitioner. The ESM sessions are to take place in a professional environment and reflect the content in the Levels I-IV courses you have completed.
Please talk to your Peter Hess® Sound Massage teacher if you have any questions.
All procedures will be explained during the Level III/IV training.
Please refer to the Certified Practitioner list to find out who is certified to offer ESM's.
1.5 hours:
15 min preliminary discussion with the ESM Practitioner (eg. completing the client form and discussing your treatment needs).
60-minute individual Sound Massage.
15-minute reflection of the session with the ESM Practitioner (eg. questions and discussion)
$140 per session (standard fee across Australia)
The ESM Practitioner will be available to answer further questions for two weeks after your session.​
Ensuring that you can provide professional PHSM sessions and treatment room for your future clients.
The ESM requirement is not to be used to critique the Practitioners. The aim is for you to learn and experience how a professional PHSM is conducted.
To experience PHSM as a client in a professional setting.
To be aware and take note of your experience receiving the PHSM sessions (eg sensations, observations, changes in physical and mental states).
To take note of the setup of the treatment room (eg set up of bowls, atmosphere, the temperature of the room (eg set up of bowls, atmosphere, temperature of the room etc).