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My personal journey to Sound...

Writer's picture: Ute ColemanUte Coleman

Updated: Nov 24, 2023

Hi and thank you for taking the time to read this blog entry.

My sound journey has really been a lifelong journey but today I wanted to share how I personally came across the Peter Hess® Sound Methods, which I love so deeply.

This part of my story started around 13 years ago after my mum passed away from cancer.

I felt lost and was grieving.

The last weeks I had spent closely by her side really opened me up to my spirituality. We had long chats about life and in her last days, I asked her if there was one thing in her life that she could have changed what would it be?

Her answer was clear. She wished she’d focused more on self-care, relaxation and letting go of all the things that created unnecessary stress for her. This message stuck with me because it was so relatable to my own life.

After her funeral, I found myself back in Margaret River on the other side of the world where I started to pick up a regular Meditation practice as I had heard about all the benefits it has for your overall well-being.

One day sitting meditating at Redgate Beach out of the blue I received the message ‘Singing Bowls’. I did not really know what to do with it but after a few days, I felt interested and started researching online.

Back then, Singing Bowls were not trendy and very few people used them. The first thing that appeared on Google was the Peter Hess Institut in Germany, so I had a good read about what they offered and was amazed. Something magically drew me to it and soon after I signed up for all levels and the first ever training here in WA.

I became one of the first certified Sound Massage Practitioners in Australia.

The training was life-changing, and it helped me so much with exactly the things my mum had said: total physical as well as mental relaxation, a deep sense of inner peace and connectedness with my life, self-care, and letting go of especially the grief I had felt of losing her.

I felt like a circle had closed.

Feeling totally inspired because of my own experience I started sharing my new Sound Massage skills with my family and my friends. The energy and passion I put into it created a ripple effect into my community.

Today I look back at 13 amazing years and treating thousands of people that have crossed my path. I have met wonderful people across the globe and made wonderful connections that I am very fond of.

I call it my 'Sound Family' because Sound is the magic thread that connects us all.

At the beginning of 2021 I was asked to take over the management of the Peter Hess Academy Australia, I could not be happier to continue to grow our beautiful community here in 'Down Under' - in Magaret River Western Australia.



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