In this foundation course we will explore the holistic principles of Sound Massage and learn about interesting sound facts as well as the abundant benefits of using sound & vibration in your everyday life.
You will have the opportunity to experience Sound Massage, receive your first instructions in Sound Massage application, and as a result you will be able to independently perform Sound Massage for private use and with clients (therapeutic and medical professionals only).
The Level I training is designed for people with an interest in working with sound and Singing Bowls for personal use or in your existing practice.
After the seminar, you will be able to safely practice Sound Massage at home with your training clients.
You will get to experience the Basic Sound Massage for yourself, receive first instructions for its implementation and learn to give an independent Basic Sound Massage.
In various exercises you will get to experience the effects of sound for your overall well-being. You will receive and give an introductory Sound Massage for
the back
the whole body
What to expect:
Lectures, demonstrations, Sound Meditations, experiential exercises, practicing (giving & receiving) and verbal sharing.
We will use massage tables and floor mats with cushions in our practice sessions.
We only use therapeutic Peter Hess® Therapy Singing Bowls which are available at the courses.
$550 - $750 per person depending on venue including certification and course manual
Prerequisite: none
Hours of Study: 16
Seminar time: 9:30am to 5.30pm on two consecutive days
Minimum number of participants: 6-12
Teachers: Ute Coleman, Romy Paltoglou VIC
History of Peter Hess® Sound Massage
Holistic effects of Sound
Science of Sound
Different characteristics of Singing Bowls with corresponding mallets for the Basic Sound Massage
Demonstration of the Basic Sound Massage
Supervised exercise of the Basic Sound Massage
Independent exercise
Sound Meditations for relaxation
Exchange of experiences and reflection
Application possibilities, limitations and contraindications