Certified Practitioners in
Western Australia

Ute Coleman
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Educational Sound Massage (ESM)
KliK® Sound Education Practitioner
Peter Hess® Relaxation Coach
Emily Hess® Basic Trust Coach
Emily Hess® Sound Yoga Practitioner
Sound Bath Facilitation & Gong Practitioner
Teacher for all courses
Email: soundrelaxation@hotmail.com
Phone: 0427 474 367
Web: www.soundrelaxation.com.au
Location: Margaret River 6285

Irene Morgan
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Educational Sound Massage (ESM)
Relax with Singing Bowls Workshop Facilitator
Email: soundjourney@outlook.com
Facebook: Sound Journey with Irene
Phone: 0458 993 100
Location: Margaret River 6285 and Perth

Tamara Oostdam
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Educational Sound Massage (ESM)
KliK® Sound Education Practitioner
Sound Bath Facilitator
Relax with Singing Bowls Workshop Facilitator
Email: Tamara@uniquelybalanced.com.au
Web: www.uniquelybalanced.com.au
Mobile: 0447 030 342
Location: Margaret River 6285

Jennifer Taylor
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Sound Bath Facilitator
Email: pause@westnet.com.au
Facebook/ Instagram: Jennifer Grace Taylor
Phone: 0415 045 909
Location: Cowaramup 6284

Miranda Conrau
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Educational Sound Massage (ESM)
KliK® Sound Education Practitioner
Emily Hess® Sound Yoga Practitioner
Peter Hess® Sound Relaxation Coach
Email: nurturingwithmiranda@gmail.com
Phone: 0408 948 350
Web: www.nurturingwithmiranda.com
Location: Busselton 6280

Nao Williams
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Educational Sound Massage (ESM)
KliK® Sound Education Practitioner
Sound Bath Facilitator
Email: info@naowilliams.com
Phone: 0401 834 960
Instagram: @naowilliams125
Location: Perth 6028

Nicole Nilsson-Linne
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Educational Sound Massage (ESM)
Sound Bath Facilitator
Neoma Healing
Email: nicolenlinne@protonmail.com
Phone: 0429 424 443
Web: www.neomahealing.com
Location: Witchcliffe 6286

Nicole Tamlin
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
KliK® Sound Education Practitioner
Email: nicoletamlin3ho@gmail.com
Facebook & Instagram: Nicole Tamlin Body, Mind & Soul
Phone: 0458 713 770
Location: Esperance 6450

Glen Schindler
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Email: glen_schindler@hotmail.com
Facebook: Kneading to Relax
Phone: 0401 350 236
Location: Toodyay 6566

Tracey Lee Allbeury
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Facebook: In Resonance Sound Massage
Instagram: in_resonance_sound_massage
Phone: 0434 987 908
Location: Joondalup 6065

Melia Brent-White
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Sound Bath Facilitator
Email: meliabrentwhite@icloud.com
Website: www.meliabrentwhite.com
Phone: 0432 081 935
Location: Dunsborough/Yelverton 6280​

Leeanne Rennie
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Sound Bath Facilitator
Email: Leeanne.rennie11@hotmail.com
Phone: 0431 370 071
Location: Yanchep 6035

Rina Rioli
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Sound Bath Facilitator
Email: rinarioli@gmail.com
Facebook: The Power To Heal
Phone: 0439 921 198
Location: Dongara 6525

Ann Cuypers
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Email: harmonicsoundresonance@hotmail.com
Instagram: Anntje_hrs
Facebook: Harmonic Sound Resonance
Phone: 0437 505 453
Location: Dalyellup 6230

Shanelle Hawea
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Sound Bath Facilitator
Email: shanellehawea@gmail.com
Phone: 0499 287 512
Facebook & Instagram: Singing Bowls Wellbeing
Location: n/a atm

Karen Newton
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Educational Sound Massage (ESM)
Relax with Singing Bowls Workshop Facilitator
Email: birdsongyoga@outlook.com.au
Facebook: Birdsong Yoga Studio
Phone: 0427 997 170
Location: Toodyay 6566

Jacklyn Bengtsson
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Sound Bath Facilitator
Educational Sound Massage (ESM)
Email: jac@enerchiartofhealing.com
Website: www.enerchiartofhealing.com
Phone: 0419 654 579
Location: Fremantle 6158

Eve Hill
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Emily Hess® Sound Yoga Teacher
Email: breatheveyoga@bigpond.com
Facebook: Breatheveyoga
Phone: 0418 951 921
Location: Bunbury 6230

Kirsten Goy
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Sound Bath Facilitation
​Relaxation Trainer for Guided Imaginary Sound Journeys according to Peter and Emily Hess®
Email: kirsten.goy@54deg.com
Phone: 0424 375 765
Location: Perth 6000 and Margaret River

Debra Hook
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Email: debsmobilemassage@live.com.au
Phone: 0424 809 654
Location: Margaret River 6285

Broni Rose
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Email: bronirose1@gmail.com
Facebook: Sound Wave Therapy
Phone: 0404 271 950
Location: Perth

Susanna Choi
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
KliK® Sound Education Practitioner
Email: susanna.choi@gmail.com
Phone: 0421 060 508
Instagram: @inner_space_yoga_
Website: https://www.innerspaceyogawellbeing.net/
Location: Murdoch 6150

Kym Walker
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Phone: 0416 405 997
Location: Margaret River 6285

Branka Micevic
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
KliK® Sound Education Practitioner
Email: brankamicevic@hotmail.com
Phone: 0439 071 997
Facebook & Istagram: Branks MW
Location: Perth 6062

Cindy Calder
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Be Still My Soul Wellness
Email: bestillmysoulwellness@gmail.com
Phone: 0400 051 245
Location: Kalamunda 6076

Catherine Ziverts
KliK® Sound Education Practitioner
Sound Bath Facilitator
Email: Catherine.ziv@icloud.com
Phone: 0427426222
Facebook: Celestial Guidance Astrology & Sound
Location: Denmark 6333

Els Kennedy
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Educational Sound Massage (ESM)
KliK® Sound Education Practitioner
Sound Bath Facilitator
Relaxation Trainer for Guided Imaginary Sound Journeys according to Peter and Emily Hess®
Email: elsvogel@hotmail.com
Phone: 0404 653 993
Facebook: Sound of Silence
Location: Bullsbrook 6084

Lee Prior
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Sound Bath Facilitator
Emily Hess® Sound Yoga Teacher
Email: leeprior31@hotmail.com
Insta: labyrinthyoga_nsoundscapes
Facebook: Labyrinth yoga and soundscapes
Phone: 0488 072 319
Location: Darlington 6070

Samantha Turner
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
A Touch of Sound
Email: slturner7@gmail.com
Insta: a_touch_of_sound
Phone: 0407 478 373
Location: Wembley, Perth 6014

Will Stowe
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Email: lms@thesamadhispace.com
Insta: https://instagram.com/the_samadhi_space
Phone: 0409 923 052
Location: Hillarys 6025 and Yallingup 6282

Lisa Stowe
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
KliK® Sound Education Practitioner
Educational Sound Massage (ESM)
Email: lms@thesamadhispace.com
Insta: https://instagram.com/the_samadhi_space
Phone: 0409 923 052
Location: Hillarys 6025 and Yallingup 6282

Paul Tanner
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Sound Bath Facilitator
Email: pctanner75@hotmail.com
Phone: 0423 509 125
Location: Bunbury 6230

Yvonne Austin
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Educational Sound Massage (ESM)
KliK® Sound Education Practitioner
Sound Bath Facilitator
Relaxation Trainer for Guided Imaginary Sound Journeys according to Peter and Emily Hess®
Email: sayanatherapies@gmail.com
Facebook/Instagram: Sayana Therapies
Phone: 0412 734 794
Location: Kingsley 6026

Heidi Teasdale
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Email: Heidi.teasdale@gmail.com
Facebook: Sound Space with Heidi
Phone: 0421 068 627
Location: Yallingup/Dunsborough 6281

Gabrielle Young
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Sound Bath Facilitator
Email: info@denmarkhealingsounds
Instagram: @denmarkhealingsounds
Phone: 0422 797 889
Location: Denmark/Kentdale 6333

Shelley Chatterley
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Sound Bath Facilitator
Website: www.soundcocoon.com.au
Instagram: @sound_cocoon_with_shelley
Phone: 0411 848 432
Location: Wembley 6014

Eloise Wright

Sarah Malone
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
Sound Bath Facilitator
Email: hello@samawellnessstudio.com.au
Facebook/ Insta/ Website:
Phone: +61 493 430 535
64-66 Commonage Road, Dunsborough 6281

Ramona Vlaar
Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
KliK® Sound Education Practitioner
Sound Bath Facilitator
Email: rtvlaar@aol.com
Facebook: Body Mind Self
Instagram: Bodymindselfbyramona
Phone: 0433 124 150
Location: Applecross 6153